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Core Team Members

Netish Sinha

Project Coordinator

The Community Outreach Program gives students the opportunity to get involved in community service on a regular basis, with projects to choose from almost daily. Projects are student-led and are offered at a variety of nonprofit agencies. Students can sign up for projects as early as one week in advance and up to the day of the project. Space is limited so signing up early is strongly encouraged.

To participate, stop by the center to sign up in the project binders, and then arrive at the center on the project date at the designated arrival time (according to the schedule). You will be greeted by the project facilitator, and he/she will be responsible for taking attendance, getting the group introduced to one another, and preparing everyone for the project. The facilitator will then transport the group in center vans to the agency to volunteer and supervise you on site. After the service, the facilitator will transport you back to the center at the designated time. On the route back to campus, the facilitator will lead the group in a reflection discussion in hopes of helping volunteers make the most meaning from their service experience.

Most community outreach projects do not require a long-term commitment. Instead, the aim of the Community Outreach Program allows students to explore various volunteer opportunities and learn more about the local nonprofit community. The hope is that students who participate in this program will discover an agency or volunteer project that they especially enjoy and they will want to continue signing up and volunteering with the project throughout the semester/year. Those who do find a project they enjoy or an agency or community issue they really care about, and who want to take their service to another level, taking on the role of volunteer advocate and community educator are encouraged to apply to be an Outreach Program Facilitator.